bool valid
This value will be true if the object contains valid data.

uint index
The index of this vertex within the fixture.

vec2 pos
The position of this vertex in local coordinates.

vec2 wpos
The position of this vertex in world coordinates.

float x
The x coordinate of this vertex in local coordinates.

float y
The y coordinate of this vertex in local coordinates.

float wx
The x coordinate of this vertex in world coordinates.

float wy
The y coordinate of this vertex in world coordinates.

void select()
Selects the vertex.

void deselect()
Deselects the vertex

bool isSelected()
Returns true if the vertex is currently selected.

void setPos(float x, float y)
Sets the position of the vertex in local coordinates.

void setPos(vec2)
Sets the position of the vertex in local coordinates.

void setWorldPos(float x, float y)
Sets the position of the vertex in world coordinates.

void setWorldPos(vec2)
Sets the position of the vertex in world coordinates.

fixture getFixture()
Returns the fixture this vertex belongs to.

void delete()
Deletes this vertex.

vertex next()
Returns the next vertex in the same fixture. This wraps around, so if you call this on the last vertex of a fixture, it will return the first vertex.

vertex prev()
Returns the previous vertex in the same fixture. This wraps around, so if you call this on the first vertex of a fixture, it will return the last vertex.