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Need tutorial help how to use script

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:16 pm
by Anton
Hi. Can you please help to find any information about scripting for RUBE.

I need to do simple thing: make a force apply to defined body on the scene depending on mouse press and release coordinates.

Thanks in advance.

I did not find any information about scripting at all

Re: Need tutorial help how to use script

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:05 pm
by iforce2d
There is a lot of information in the main help in RUBE itself, in the Help panel (orange title bar, shortcut key F1) but I think maybe you are misunderstanding the purpose of this script. It does not detect clicks and such, it is only for editing the scene, to make repetitive jobs easier, automate things, extend the action menu etc. It sounds like what you are talking about is something that your game would do after loading the scene, right?